【同义词辨析】 2019-03-14 短语phrase-locution

phrase: is applicable to any group of words that recurs frequently but is likely to suggest some distinctive quality, such as triteness, pithiness, or pointedness: a poem made up of several trite ~s strung together.      trite陈腐pithy精辟pointed尖锐等没有译出,因为一般phrase仅表示不构成句子的一组词,即短语词组     又如he uses the phrase 'I strongly believe' too often他总是用'我强烈相信'这一短语(词组)

idiom: applies to a combination of word elements which is peculiar to the language in which is occurs either in its grammatical relationships or in its nonliteral meaning: "to keep house", "to catch cold", and "to strike a bargain" are ~s.     idiom习惯用语是某种语言"特有"的短语,可表现为1、特有的非字面含义peculiar nonliteral meaning,如poker face面无表情喜怒不行于色<==扑克脸,如to ride shotgun坐前排<==骑猎枪,如本例to strike a bargain达成交易<==打击减价商品   或2、特有的语法关系peculiar grammatical relationships,如stupid is as stupid does做蠢事才是真的蠢(表示看起来蠢的人未必蠢,摘自阿甘正传),其他语言不会这么用词造句,因此称为idiom,来自词根IDIO表示自己的私有的one's own, private      普通英语母语者掌握几千个习惯用语,形容词idiomatic表示符合某种语言的特有习惯的,即地道的。说母语者的语言可能显得粗鄙无知没文化,但一定idiomatic地道。相反的,外语学习者即使是科学家教授博士有很高的文化,也很少能达到美国初中生的idiomatic水平。

expression: may be preferred when reference to a way of expressing oneself is accompanied by a qualifying adjective, phrase, or clause: that's an odd ~.  old-fashioned expression老套的表达方式

locution: a somewhat bookish word, may be chosen when reference is to phrases that are idiomatically peculiar to a language, a group, or a person: a pet ~ of the author.

phrase词组短语: 泛指常用的一组词,idiom习惯用语: 某种语言特有的词语组合,具有特殊的语法关系非字面含义,见注释,expression表达方式表达式: 即用于表达的短语,常接限定性形容词短语从句,locution惯用语(书): 较书卷气,指某个人或群体或语言所特有的习语

记忆方法: 1)首字母PIEL一堆一摞<==词组


         3)词组的意思是共同表达含义、作为句子成分的一组词mean a group of words which together express a notion and which may be used as part of a sentence.